Upcoming Events

Cześć, Polish Club!

Our club has the following events planned for the rest of the fall semester:

  • Friday 11/1 at 4pm in 33-206: Mateusz Morawiecki lecture (RSVP encouraged)
  • Friday 11/1 at 6pm in 33-206: All Saints’ Day commemoration (at capacity)
  • Monday 11/11: Polish Independence Day
  • Friday 12/6: Mikołajki (St. Nicholas Day) celebration with Ukraine@MIT
  • Mid-December (after classes end): Wigilia (Christmas Eve dinner)

We’re looking for volunteers to help with running Wigilia—if you’re able to help, please contact Billy at prezydent@mit.edu. Likewise, we’re always looking for connections to potential speakers and new ideas for events, so please let Billy know if you have any ideas for speakers or events. Dzięki!