
Note: The current iteration of the MIT Polish Club is in the process of gaining recognition by MIT’s Association of Student Activities; as part of this process, it is writing a new constitution. The previous constitution is below.


Article I: Purpose

The purpose of the Polish Club at Massachusetts Institute of Technology is to coordinate the efforts to make social and academic relations easier and to strengthen the position of Polish students at MIT. The Club will strive to promote Polish political, cultural and social problems in MIT society and will also promote MIT among young people in Poland.

Article II: Membership

Any member of the MIT community is eligible to become a member of this organization. One is considered a member of this organization in any given academic term if he/she has attended at least one club activity and one meeting in the preceding or current term. The organization’s membership will at all times consist of at least 5 MIT students and be more than half MIT students. This organization will not discriminate based on any characteristic listed in MIT’s Nondiscrimination Statement. If this organization charges any monetary dues, there will be exceptions made for students that cannot afford these dues.

1. Membership shall be retained until the student severs relations with the MIT, whether by graduation or otherwise. Membership will be retained during the vacations and recesses of the MIT.

2. Any member may resign at any time by filing written resignation with the Vice-President.

3. A Voting Member shall be defined as any member, except faculty members, who attended at least five (5) meetings throughout the academic year.

Article III: Officers

This organization will have four officers:

1. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Society and shall have general supervision and control over its programs and day-to-day activities. He or she shall also be the primary contact with the Society’s faculty advisors.

2. The Vice-President shall assist the President and assume his or her duties if the President is unable to serve. He or she will handle all formal correspondence between members and officers of the Society.

3. The Treasurer shall have general charge of the Society’s finances, including the preparation of the Society’s annual budget and annual financial report(s). He or she shall keep accurate records of financial affairs and be responsible for grant applications within the University. The Treasurer shall present a semi-annual financial report to the officers. In addition, he or she shall coordinate other fundraising activities All officers of this organization must be distinct persons and MIT students.

4. The Webmaster shall take responsibility of maintaining and updating the Club’s website with particular attention given to providing up to date information of the Club’s activities to MIT society.


Elections of officers are held annually by voting of the members of the Club. Any member of this organization is eligible to run for office. Quorum for elections is at least two thirds of the group members. Any member is elected if he or she wins a majority of the voting members. If more than two people are running and no one wins a majority, then the person with the fewest votes is dropped from the ballot and votes are recast. The term of office runs from May 1 until April 30 of the following year. The first office after establishment of the club runs till April 30. Removal: Officers may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the members.

Article IV: Meetings

Meetings shall be held at least every month. Meetings shall be presided over by the President, unless she is absent, and in that case the Vice-President shall preside. All decisions shall be made by a majority vote of all members present. Quorum for a meeting shall be one quarter of the members of the organization.

Article V: Amendments

Any member of the organization shall present amendments. Quorum for amending this constitution shall be two third of all members of the Club and all MIT student members.

Article VI: ASA Governance Clause

The Polish Club at Massachusetts Institute of Technology agrees to abide by the rules and regulations of the Association of Student Activities, and its executive board. This constitution, amendments to it, and the by-laws of this organization shall be subject to review by the ASA Executive Board to insure that they are in accordance with the aforementioned rules and regulations.

Article VII: Non-Discrimination Policy

Please be reminded of the MIT Non-Discrimination Policy. All groups
should refer to this in their constitutions and all groups must follow this policy. If you have concerns and want to contact us confidentially about issues with groups following this policy, email